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Current Kappa Upsilon Committees and Chairs 2024


Zack Simmerly

Focuses on strengthening the connection and camaraderie between brothers in the fraternity.




Jack Davis

Sets up opportunities for brothers to volunteer at places like: Habitat for humanity, soup kitchens, and other places. Each brother is required to get 10 hours of service a semester.




Aaron Franks

In charge of raising funds for the house through different events. Such as hosting a Dine-to-Donate or Selling Fiji merchandise.



Graduate Relations

Stuart Struna

Stays in constant contact with Graduate Brothers. They also create and design the house newsletter each semester.




Gabe Roberto

In charge of coordinating teams of brothers for Intramural Sports.



Internal Philanthropy

Jimmy Hanselman


Tasked with planning and executing our chapter's philanthropy events.



External Philanthropy

Aiden Cowles

Coordinates with other student organizations to help with their philanthropys.



New Member Education

Ethan Bates

Educate pledges of this chapter about our history, values, and lay the foundation for the pledges to grow upon.




John Wittrup/Gabe Roberto

Tasked with recruiting new members into the chapter and hosting recruitment events.



Risk Management

Aiden Cowles

Always ensuring that all brothers are safe, in addition to mitigating or removing risks that could harm the house or the brothers.




Aaron Franks

In charge of making sure all brothers meet the minimum GPA. If the brother doesn't, then this committee helps them get back on track.



Social Chair

Austin Forman

Plans and executes all social events including formals, date nights, etc.. 



Built To Lead Chair

Zack Boesch

Holds education sessions to continue to develop courageous leaders and make sure brothers get the most out of their undergraduate experience.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair

Adrian Pelligrini

Holds education sessions to make people of various backgrounds feel welcome.

Public Relations

Zack Simmerly

In charge of all Kent State Phi Gamma Delta Social Media accounts.

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